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Search by Email in the Sitecore User Manager

I’m sure I am not alone when I criticize the standard Sitecore user manager tool. It is adequate for basic Sitecore solutions but isn’t able to keep up with more complex implementations that may have many different types of Sitecore

Posted in Customization, Sitecore

A List of Custom Sitecore DMS Functionality

The Sitecore Digital Marketing System (DMS) is a very unique set of tools which allows Sitecore developers the freedom to implement very unique solutions to business problems. There are a lot of Sitecore people doing some really cool stuff so I gathered

Posted in Customization, Sitecore

Examining the Upload File Insert Option in the Sitecore Media Library

I was looking to make a couple customizations to the media library and realized I had never looked into where the Upload File insert option comes from and how it works. The Upload File “template” is held under the Branches

Posted in Customization, Sitecore

Sitecore User Manager – Filter Users by Profile Type

I recently blogged about How to use Locally Managed Domains in Sitecore which is very useful but I also wanted to go over a couple other cool things I discovered while attempting to extend upon this functionality for a client. First off,

Posted in Customization, Sitecore